Welly Boot Rack – holds 10 pairs


When working in schools you do not want to annoy is the cleaning staff.  Children and adults with boots that are walked into the school.  Wet, muddy and leaving more of a trace inside than we leave outside!

Handmade wooden welly boot rack for 10 pairs.  You would need to order 3 for a class of 30, we have made them 10 as lots of schools do not have 30 pupils.

Each rack is glued and screwed to give it extra strength.  The ones pictures have been burnt to give a rustic look as well as protecting the wood using a Japanese method of Shou Sugi Ban or as i call it that card timber look.


Welly Rack for 10 pairs of boots

When working in schools you do not want to annoy the cleaning staff.  Children and adults with boots that are walked into the school.  Wet, muddy and leaving more of a trace inside than we leave outside!

Handmade wooden welly boot rack for 10 pairs.  You would need to order 3 for a class of 30, we have made them 10 as lots of schools do not have 30 pupils.

Each rack is glued and screwed to give it extra strength.  The ones pictures have been burnt to give a rustic look as well as protecting the wood using a Japanese method of Shou Sugi Ban or as i call it that card timber look.


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